Upcoming Water Events in Southwest Colorado - October 2024
Hi! Thank you for subscribing to the Nine Basin Bulletin! We hope your October is off to a great start. We are excited to share that October is shaping up to be a busy month for water professionals! Please look below for a handful of events happening in Southwest Colorado!
Event Highlight: 2024 Water Connections

Date: 10-23-2024
Location: Fort Lewis College, Student Union Building, Ballroom
Time: 5-6 pm Reception, 6-8 pm Program
Register Here: 2024 Water Connections Registration - Southwestern Water Conservation District (swwcd.org)*
Join us for a Screening of The Ute Water Legacy on Rocky Mountain PBS!
Following the screening, we’ll host a thought-provoking panel discussion featuring:
- Chairman Manual Heart
- Vice-Chairman and Colorado Water Conservation Board Director Lorelei Cloud
- Colorado Water Congress President Christine Arbogast
- Owner, Blue Horizon Farms Trent Taylor
Moderated by Celene Hawkins, Director of the Colorado River Tribal Partnerships Program.
More Information: Water Connections - Southwestern Water Conservation District (swwcd.org)
Waterlaw in a Nutshell

Date: 10-17-2024
Location: Lone Cone Library - 1455 Pinion Street, Norwood, CO 81423
Time: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
The Water Information Program is pleased to present this full-day water law course. Don’t miss this rare opportunity to learn with Aaron Clay in Norwood, CO.
Tickets now on Sale: Water Law in a Nutshell Tickets, Thu, Oct 17, 2024 at 8:30 AM | Eventbrite
Join us for an informative course where we will discuss the ins and outs of water law in a nutshell. Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting out, this event is perfect for anyone interested in learning more about this important topic.
This full day seminar will cover all aspects of the law related to water rights and ditch rights as applied in Colorado. Subject matter includes the appropriation, perfection, use, limitations, attributes, abandonment and enforcement of various types of water rights. Additional subject matter will include special rules for groundwater, public rights in appropriated water, interstate compacts, and more.
Date: Thu, October 17, 2024
Time: 08:30 AM - 4:30 PM
We welcome EVERYONE, from anywhere in Colorado, including landowners, realtors, lawyers, water district employees, teachers, and anyone else interested in water law.
Registration includes lunch and course materials. Continuing education credits available for Realtors, Assessors and Atorneys at an additional cost.
Continuing Education Credits Available:
Realtors CE: 8 hours
Assessors CE: 4 hours
Attorneys: 8 hours CLE
Come and network with fellow enthusiasts, ask questions and gain valuable insights into the world of water law. Don't miss out on this opportunity to expand your knowledge and connect with like-minded individuals. See you there!
DWR Division 7 Measurement Rules Stakeholder Meeting

Date: 10-17-24
Location: Holiday Inn & Suites, located at 21636 US HWY 160, Durango, CO, 81303
Time: 6:00 PM
The Colorado Division of Water Resources will conduct a stakeholder meeting on October 17, 2024, at 6:00 pm at the Holiday Inn & Suites, located at 21636 US HWY 160, Durango, CO, 81303, to discuss proposed Measurement Rules in Water Division 7. There will also be a remote option to join this meeting, included at the bottom of this notice. Division 7 includes the San Juan, Animas, La Plata, Mancos, Pine, Piedra, McElmo Creek, parts of the Dolores, and other adjoining basins for tributaries exiting Colorado in the southwest part of the state. Measuring surface water and groundwater diversions is essential in Colorado to allow for accurate water rights administration, establish a valuable record of use for water rights, and provide useful information for operating decisions.

Public Notice
Division 7 Measurement Rules Stakeholder Meeting October 17, 2024
The Colorado Division of Water Resources will conduct a stakeholder meeting on October 17, 2024, at 6:00 pm at the Holiday Inn & Suites, located at 21636 US HWY 160, Durango, CO, 81303, to discuss proposed Measurement Rules in Water Division 7. Division 7 includes the San Juan, Animas, La Plata, Mancos, Pine, Piedra, McElmo Creek, parts of the Dolores, and other adjoining basins for tributaries exiting Colorado in the southwest part of the state. Measuring surface water and groundwater diversions is essential in Colorado to allow for accurate water rights administration, establish a valuable record of use for water rights, and provide useful information for operating decisions.
Colorado water law requires that water diversions have a proper diversion structure and measuring device where necessary. Measurement Rules will give guidance, structure, and certainty to the Division Engineer’s implementation of that statutory requirement, which is critical in areas experiencing more demand, intrastate administration, and the need to protect Colorado interests related to the Colorado River Compact.
State Engineer Jason Ullmann and Division Engineer Rob Genualdi will lead the stakeholder meeting and the Rulemaking effort, with assistance from other DWR staff and the Attorney General’s Office.
Remote Meeting Information
Division 7 Measurement Rules Stakeholder Meeting
Thursday, October 17 · 6:00 – 8:00pm
Time zone: America/Denver
Google Meet joining info Video call link: https://meet.google.com/dde-oubd-psb
Or dial: (US) +1 628-400-7243 PIN: 237 080 314#
More information, including an FAQ and a copy of draft rules, is available under “Water Administration Rulemaking” on the DWR-Water Administration Webpage.
Fort Lewis Water Week
Flyer: Join us for FLC Water Week 2024! - Four Corners Water
FLC Water Seminar Series with State Senator Cleave Simpson
Date: 10-21-24
Location: Fort Lewis College, Center for Southwest Studies, Lyceum
Time: 4:40 - 5:35 pm
Hydrology Model Workshop - San Miguel Watershed Coalition & Mountain Studies Institute
San Miguel Watershed Coalition - Register Here!
Date: 10-22-24
Location: Fort Lewis College, Vallecito Room
Time: 9:40 - 12:40 pm
Website with Flyer: General 1 — San Miguel Watershed
USA Jobs Workshop with US Geological Survey
Date: 10-24-2024
Location: Fort Lewis College, Education Business Hall 055
Time: 12:50 - 2:10 pm
Tribal Water Media Showcase - Tribal Water Media Fellowship PRogram, KSUT, RMPBS
Date: 10-25-2024
Location: Fort Lewis College Student Union Building, Ballroom
Time: Reception and Showcase 5-8 pm